If you are a blogger or a website owner and is looking to setup ssl certificate to start with then this article is for you.
In the recent past SSL was deemed to be important only if you were running a financial or other sensitive websites. With the growth of internet the norm has changed. In today’s world if you have not setup SSL certificate on your website you are most probably jeopardising your users’ and your website’s security.
However, if you are not willing to spend for a dedicated certificate, good news for you is that there are lots of low cost as well as free alternatives. In this article I will talk about two such alternatives that stands out among others. Also worth noting is if you are using blogging platform like Blogger, you do not need to do much, Google takes care of SSL for you. The below options are suitable for those who are hosting their own website in various hosting platforms.
Let’s Encrypt
Let’s Encrypt is a not for profit certificate authority that provides SSL Certificates for free to help the cause of a more secure web. Most of the major hosting providers support Let’s Encrypt certificates as an option but if you are using a provider that does not, you can still integrate Let’s Encrypt certificate manually. Get Started
CloudFlare is more of a website security and content delivery network services provider, but it does provide SSL certificates as well. While it is a paid service but it also offers free plan which includes SSL certificates. In their free plan they provides a lot of other services that are useful such as analytics dashboard, DNS management etc. Documentation